Are you finding yourself in a creative rut? We’ve all been there, and getting those creative juices flowing again can be a challenge, for sure.
CBD might be helpful in getting your creativity back on track, and in this article, we’re going to take a look at what blocks creativity, as well as some of the science behind CBD. Keep reading to learn how it works!
Facts About CBD

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a cannabinoid found in the hemp and marijuana plants. The 2018 Farm Bill determined that CBD derived from industrial hemp is legal, so long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. If CBD is extracted from the marijuana plant or has more than 0.3% THC, it is not legal on the federal level.
Another benefit of CBD is that it will not produce the psychoactive high feeling that THC does. This leaves users feeling clear-headed and able to focus, which is especially important for artistic practice. Some users report feeling sleepy with CBD use, where others report feeling more focused.
Before trying any CBD product, understand that it is not approved by the FDA, so there is no official dose or oversight regarding quality. Always check for a third-party lab report provided by an ISO-certified lab. This type of report proves that the amount of CBD on the label is actually in the bottle, and that it is free of toxins and unwanted chemicals. Furthermore, you can use a USDA-certified organic CBD product, which ensures additional layers of quality control.
Whether you use a gummy, tincture, topical, or another type of CBD product, start with a smaller dose and titrate up as you learn more about your tolerance. And if you are taking any prescription medications or supplements, check with a pharmacist or healthcare provider regarding their safety with CBD.
Common Creativity Blocks
One of the best ways to unblock your creativity is to look at the root cause. If you’re feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and generally blocked, dig deeper—once you figure out why you’re not your typical creative self, you’ll have a better chance of recovering.
These are some of the most common reasons people lose their spark:
- Stress
- Aging
- Perfectionism
- Comparison
- Burnout

Do any of these ring true for you? Where some may lose their creativity for reasons outside of their art, others lose it because of factors directly related to it. Whatever the case may be for you, it’s essential that you understand what it is so that you can move on to the remedy.
Take stock of everything that you believe is getting in the way of your innovation, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Now, let’s look at ways to overcome your barriers.
Getting Your Creativity Back
Now that you have an idea of what could be the cause, it’s time to take action. Taking CBD alone isn’t enough to remedy the loss of creativity, but using it in conjunction with other methods could increase the potential benefits.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways CBD could help with the root causes of your lost creative flow.
In the Stress in America study conducted in late 2020, 78-percent of Americans reported feeling high levels of stress. Stress can impact many aspects of life, and the creative process is no exception.

Living with chronic stress can shrink the cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that’s linked to creativity and problem-solving. Stress can lead to numerous other health effects, so taking action to reduce it will not only benefit health overall, but also help the creative flow.
Some of the best ways to deal with stress are exercise, a nutritious diet, therapy, meditation, journaling, breathwork, getting more sleep, and listening to music, to name a few. CBD has been linked to reducing stress and reducing anxiety, both of which can block creativity.
The aging process obviously can’t be reversed—however, numerous studies have concluded that art, music, and other creative activities can reduce cognitive decline. Music has been associated with increasing alertness and reducing the symptoms of dementia.
CBD has reported neuroprotective properties, and can reduce the degeneration of hippocampal cells. Additionally, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce cell degeneration and death.
Although perfectionism might seem like a great trait to have in art, it can hinder the process. Perfectionists tend to overthink processes to the point that it leads to procrastination, work not being finished, and not trying new ideas.

Perfectionism is a compulsive trait that can stem from a fear of failure, which can seriously block artistic expression. Journaling is an excellent way of pushing through these fears, and confronting what is causing them. Other methods involve more in-depth analysis and adjusting expectations.
Studies performed on people with compulsive behaviors found that CBD can positively affect, reducing compulsions, intrusive thoughts, and anxiety.
The saying “comparison is the thief of joy” comes to mind here. Comparison can hinder the enjoyment of the arts and block creativity. It causes people to second guess every note they play, every stroke on the canvas. It can bring the creative process to a halt.
Comparison causes you to look at your flaws and shortcomings, filling you with self-doubt and frustration. When you catch yourself doing this, stop yourself and take a few minutes to appreciate your strengths. Focus on your journey and the love you’ve put into your art.
It’s time to find peace in your process and products. CBD can create a general sense of calmness, helping you relax and enjoy the creative process more. Try mixing it with some tea, taking some deep breaths, and allowing the creativity to flow.
We typically associate burnout with the work environment, and that can cause some anxiety and depression. However, creative burnout can result from producing too much, or from having too many tight deadlines to meet. It can cause fatigue, dread, procrastination, and feeling stuck.
Making changes to deadlines can help alleviate some of this stress. Additionally, refilling your creative well by trying new things, or even taking a break can help. Another way people beat burnout is to level up their skills by taking a class.
CBD may help you sleep better and help you ease into a better sense of calmness. It may also help with symptoms of depression and PTSD, which can also be associated with burnout.

How to Use CBD
The way you use CBD products can affect how they work in your system. With so many types of cannabis products out there, the options can become overwhelming. Here’s what you need to know!
Tinctures are perhaps the most popular way to use CBD. They’re easy to dose, convenient to take with you, and work quickly. We recommend putting your desired amount under your tongue and holding it there for 2-3 minutes if you can. This will allow for faster absorption, and it can last for 4-6 hours.
Gummies and candies are a great option for those who like a sweet treat! Edible CBD can take longer to kick in—up to an hour—because they must first pass through the digestive tract. However, their effects can be felt for 6-8 hours.
Topical CBD products, such as creams, lotions, and salves are applied directly to the skin. You may want to apply it to your temples, behind the ears, or to a spot where you’re feeling aches and pains. Topical CBD absorbs through the skin quickly and can work for up to six hours after application.
Final Thoughts
Ready to get your creativity back? Now is where the fun begins! Creativity is such an important part of our lives, so nurturing it is crucial to your overall feeling of well-being. Remember to look for the root cause of your problem, and then the rest can fall into place. If you’re willing to do the work, then CBD could be a helpful way to augment your efforts.
Ripon Naturals is dedicated to helping you feel your best! Shop online or stop by our shop in Ripon, Wisconsin. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to help you make the best selection and answer all your questions regarding CBD!
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